My wife and I have always dreaded preparing for summer. Summer planning for our son was a nightmare! We wanted him to be occupied, stimulated, and to have fun! As every parent knows, finding this combination takes hours of research and we spent the three months before school ended every year scouring the internet, sifting through dozens of search results, diving into each one to find out where they were located, when their activities were held and how much they cost. And we weren’t alone – all the other parents we spoke with were doing the same thing.

As an engineer, I could picture a better way to do this: a website where you input your criteria, clicked a button, and the site produced a list of options that fit the criteria and presented the information you needed to make a decision. Fast and simple!

So, I decided to build it. My starting point was an excel spread sheet published by my local county that included over 1500 activities that they offered. I wrote some code to parse it, and to extract and show me only the activities that I wanted. From there, I created Persona, a platform to help simplify parent’s lives and save them hours of time, not only during the summer, but all year long.

I hope you love Persona and I hope it benefits your children by helping you find exactly the right academic, arts, or sports activities for them.

Yours sincerely,
Chris Daniel

Chris Daniel

Chris Daniel

Chris is passionate about solving problems. Software Engineer, Architect and Product Development Leader for the last 20 years, Chris loves building great products that make a difference in people’s lives. So far, it’s been engineering solutions for a range of companies that has helped them solve their most pressing challenges. In his free time, he loves hiking and traveling with family and friends, swimming, biking or playing his guitar. You could say a bit of a dabbler in everything that is fun.